Most popular pig breeds in the usa?
The most popular breeds of pigs in the United States are a
Hampshire , a Poland China, a Duroc, a Chester White ,a Berkshire and a American
Hampshire , a Poland China, a Duroc, a Chester White ,a Berkshire and a American
What are pigs main diet?
People who own pigs usually feed their pigs a balanced meal to
eat. It makes sure the pigs are healthy. Pigs need protein, carbohyydrates,
vitamins, and minerals. So the food that will match these nutrients are corn,
wheat and soybeans
eat. It makes sure the pigs are healthy. Pigs need protein, carbohyydrates,
vitamins, and minerals. So the food that will match these nutrients are corn,
wheat and soybeans
Why do pigs roll in mud?
The truth about why pigs roll in mud and water is because pigs
don’t have sweat glands. People
sweat to cool of but since pigs
don’t have sweat glands they have to roll in something cool. Pigs can get
sunburned easily if they are light skinned. Like American Yorkshires which are pink. But if you have a dark colored pig like Durocs, Herefords and Hampshires. They won't get sunburned.
don’t have sweat glands. People
sweat to cool of but since pigs
don’t have sweat glands they have to roll in something cool. Pigs can get
sunburned easily if they are light skinned. Like American Yorkshires which are pink. But if you have a dark colored pig like Durocs, Herefords and Hampshires. They won't get sunburned.